Graffiti Removal


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Graffiti Removal

Graffiti Removal is a craftsman job because removing and restoration efforts without any care might make the wall even worse. PC Enviromental team takes special measures to restore the masonry by under taking three steps process:

  • Identify the surface type and paint type to be removed

    Concrete walls, Brick wall, Glass, Granite Stone, Aluminum doors and Wooden Doors are the main materials that are spoiled by Graffiti paints. All of these are different material and need different treatment. Mostly graffiti vandals use spray paints to deface wall but sometimes they also use Markers, Adhesives, Shoe Polish, Lip Stick and Etching Products. Before graffiti removal, we need to determine what type of graffiti ink is used on what surface. Depending on the surface and ink we determine which method to use in order to restore the substrate.

  • Select a removal method

    PC Enviromental experts determine the suitable removal method according to the need. Most commonly used methods are:

    1. Paint up: PC Enviromental experts used paint to cover up graffiti on smooth painted surfaces. This is fairly safe method when age of graffiti is long.
    2. Pressure washing : We use special measure while using chemical solvent as they can be harmful to environment and the surface. We always use bio-degradable solvent so that they have leas wear effect on the wall. We have success rate of 98% in one application. Anti graffiti solvent is water based, low voc and environment friendly making it preferred choice for municipalities, government agencies and private sector construction companies.
    3. Chemical solvent : We use special measure while using chemical solvent as they can be harmful to environment and the surface. We always use bio-degradable solvent so that they have leas wear effect on the wall. We have success rate of 98% in one application. Anti graffiti solvent is water based, low voc and environment friendly making it preferred choice for municipalities, government agencies and private sector construction companies.
  • Apply protective coating

    After Removing the Graffiti we apply a protective coating to increase the life of the surface and protect the surface from future vandalism. We apply two type of coating depending up on the customer requirement.

    1. Sacrificial Coating : This is protective but one time used and comes out once graffiti is removed and need to be re-applied for future use.
    2. Non sacrificial coating : This is permanent in nature and remains unaffected from graffiti removal process.